Chinese students have helped bankroll the US economy. Now fewer want to study here and it risks America’s position as a global leader.

Chinese students have helped bankroll the US economy. Now fewer want to study here and it risks America’s position as a global leader.

America’s popularity among Chinese students has gradually declined over the last few years. It could burn financial, cultural, and diplomatic bridges for the United States. That’s according to a recent survey of 8,610 respondents on Chinese students’ overseas studies conducted by Beijing-based private educational services provider the New Oriental Education and Technology Group. The researchers…

International Students Key To AI As Researchers And Entrepreneurs

International Students Key To AI As Researchers And Entrepreneurs

New research finds international students are a crucial link in America’s efforts to lead the world in artificial intelligence. Foreign nationals studying at U.S. universities have become a key source of researchers and entrepreneurial talent in AI. International Students As Entrepreneurs “Forty-two percent (18 of 43) of the top U.S.-based AI companies had a founder…

Been there, done that: HE expert pens memoir to help int’l students prepare for the US

Been there, done that: HE expert pens memoir to help int’l students prepare for the US

For many international students in the US, an American education can open the door to opportunities in the US or in students’ native countries. The transition to an American university, however, can throw many out of kilter. Classrooms may be more engaging than what some students are used to. Here, students aren’t merely passive learners;…

Loss of international students could damage US economy, experts say

Loss of international students could damage US economy, experts say

The world of higher education, already struggling to cope amid the COVID-19 pandemic, was rocked last week when the Trump administration issued a regulation that would prevent international students from entering the country in addition to compelling thousands already in the U.S. to leave if enrolled in schools that plan to teach exclusively online in…

湾区Day 1 CPT学校ITU再度出现重大风险——学术资质认证已被取消

湾区Day 1 CPT学校ITU再度出现重大风险——学术资质认证已被取消

International Technological University 国际技术大学简称“ITU”是位于硅谷地区的“Day 1 CPT名校”,曾经是不少硅谷人首选的CPT之一。 ITU曾经因为内部举报学术不端和违法移民法规,在2021年初,美国移民局USCIS处于高达百万美元的罚金,幸运的是,针对签证欺诈的指控得以平息。ITU也因此暂停过CPT工作权限的签发,但在短暂的整顿后,ITU又恢复了本校学生对CPT使用。CISI在全网发布了关于ITU的风险提示,不建议申请和就读该校。 前情提示 2021年初,位于北加圣克拉拉的ITU将支付 117 万美元以平息签证欺诈的指控。而举报该校存在欺诈行为的正是该校负责学术咨询服务的代理校长Dr. Concepcion Saenz-Cambra。 Dr. Saenz-Cambra于2015年10月根据联邦《虚假申报法》Federal False Claims Act (FCA)提交的一份投诉,她在 2014 年受聘于ITU后,对学校的做法表示担忧并提出整改方案,但遭到ITU高层拒绝。 Dr. Saenz-Cambra投诉称,ITU因无视移民和海关执法局(ICE)关于F-1学生的相关规定——包括录取不精通英语的国际学生;免除上课的要求;对没有完成作业或根本不做作业的学生给予高分;并拒绝惩罚学生抄袭或作弊行为。许多ITU的学生在高科技公司担任全职职位,她认为这是对外国人(H-1B)签证全职就业规则的颠覆。 然后令人回味的是美国政府选择以罚款的方式平息了举报,学校收紧了CPT批准政策,而最新的学校官网截图,举报人Dr. Saenz-Cambra依旧是ITU校方管理层成员。 今年中旬美国最高等级区域学术认证机构之一的WASC决定取消International Technological University的学术认证资质。ITU已向WASC提交了申诉材料以争取获得认证。WASC可能会在近期对申诉做出最终裁决。 WASC下达正式文件取消ITU学术资质认证 在给出“withdraw the accreditation of International Technological University (ITU)”的决定前,WASC已经为ITU提供了两年的整改期和整改期结束后的“last opportunity”整改机会,但ITU都没有达到WASC的标准。所以我们对ITU的申诉成功的可能性深表怀疑。正在考虑Day 1 CPT学校的同学请慎重选择! 寻找CPT学校和专业,应把握三大原则! 学校拥有美国最高等级区域学术资质认证 CPT专业与工作具有较高的相关性 CPT专业课程设置与过往已修课程重复度不高 美国六大最高等级区域学术资质认证机构 寻找合适的day 1 cpt学校和项目,先和CISI沟通交流,您会有意外惊喜收获! 欢迎微信添加 educisi 交流沟通!